Could GTA 5 crossplay become a reality?

GTA 5 crossplay is a much-requested feature that deserves to be a much-enjoyed one

gta v crossplay
GTA 5 V crossplay = money

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Since its initial release, Grand Theft Auto V has been brought to many different platforms, receiving it’s first “next gen” release  in 2014 after first becoming available for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2013. However, despite being lined up for a third console generation this November and enjoying huge popularity across PC and consoles, GTA 5 crossplay remains elusive. 

Crossplay is, of course, a huge part of online multiplayer gaming. Currently however, GTA V doesn’t support crossplay across different platforms, so for now you have to settle with teaming up with other people who have the same console (or PC). Fear not though because Rockstar are getting ready for the next gen release of GTA V in November, leading us to assume there will be crossplay at least between the next gen consoles and their predecessors. There’s also always the hope that they will introduce fully compatible crossplay across all consoles, so maybe sometime soon you’ll be able to join a crew with people across all platforms, not just ones with the same system as yourself. For now though, we’ll just have to sit tight and wait for November to roll around and see what the new release brings.   

The GTA franchise has become legendary in the gaming world, infamous for its violent content that’s loved by players and hated by most parents. Against its ground-breaking predecessors, GTA V boasts an impressive open world design, with not only one single player storyline, but three. The online multiplayer section of the game goes even further, giving the player a completely separate experience to that of the single player mode. In GTA Online you can team up with friends to complete jobs and earn rep. You can play with up to thirty people per lobby. On the streets of online Los Santos, you’re free to do whatever you like, whether that’s joining a crew, entering races, completing jobs, moving up the leader boards or simply just walking around – it’s really up to you.