Hood Outlaws and Legends Tier List: Best Classes

Hood Outlaws and Legends Tier List
Hood Outlawns and Legends is the new Robin Hood themed game, with four classes each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Image via Sumo Digital.

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Hood Outlaws and Legends is a game that launched on May 10, with PvPvE game mechanics. Players take on the role of committing Robin Hood heists, with four distinct classes to get the job done. Currently, in Hood, there are four classes in the game, each with a distinct role. Due to the uniqueness of every single one, it is hard to tell if there is a best class in Hood. However, we’ll rank each class from the best to the worst class, give a sense of how each class operates and its strengths and weaknesses. With no further ado, here is our Hodd Outlaws and Legends Tier List.

Ranking Methodology

The Hood Outlaws and Legends Tier List aims to rank the effectiveness of each Class in Hood. Every Class has a unique function in the game. John is the heavy melee unit, the best treasure carrier, and winches faster. Tooke is the mystic that can heal with grenades or drain stamina. Marian is the hunter archetype with mixed range and melee, and Robin, ideally the long-range sniper. As it stands, all four can counter each other, with skill-based timing on parries and blocking an important part of out skilling enemies.


Classes Ranked

  1. Marianne
  2. Robin
  3. John
  4. Tooke

The Hunter - Marianne

Hood Hunter Marianne
Marianne is one of the most versatile classes in Hood. Image via Sumo Digital.


Marianne feels like the best class to get good at to succeed in most PvP situations. The focus of her kit is more stealth-based, making her a good choice for PvE too. She can assassinate state guards from any direction, courtesy of her passive trait. Which is great for taking down a target in her face while lowering the chance alerts trigger, compared to her counterparts. For range attacks, Marianne has decent ranged capabilities, offering solid damage with her arm mounter crossbow. She can also charge her crossbow to fire three bolts instead, doing big burst damage to closer range targets.

On the PvP side, her smoke bomb, Shroud active ability, and stealth mechanics are solid for stealing the vault key from the Sherif. Moreso,  these abilities offer amazing value for assassinating enemy players and working to provide cover for treasure and winch players. If a Robin is looking to snipe Winch players, the smoke bomb can help buy some time for them.

Finally, Marianne is one of the best counters against John. Marianne prefers to dodge in close combat, meaning she can dive out of the way of telegraphed slashes from John. Upon dodging, she can dive back into combat with her light attacks. However, her dodging doesn’t do much work against Tooke’s cone melee swings with his flail.

Overall, the Hunter Class is one of the best and most versatile classes in the game. She has many strengths and is always welcome on any team comp. Although, she does have the apparent weaknesses too. For these reasons, it’s worth valuing her as rank 1 on the Hood Outlaws and Legends Tier List.

The Ranger - Robin

Hood Robin Hood
Robin is the long-range sniper but is slightly hard to play. Image via Sumo Digital.


Robin is a solid second, but he doesn’t seem that far away from third and first to be honest. The strengths of Robin is that he primarily focuses on his ability to fire across the longest ranges in the game, taking out opponents with incredibly well-placed shots. In terms of his perks, he has several options that allow him to increase his ammo count, offer extra benefits at the cost of arrows breaking or focusing even more on long-range. It is up to the player to better their play style. He has a melee playstyle that is perfectly fine if someone wants some alternative playstyle. We have a more in-depth Robin guide on his two main builds here.

With all that said, the primary strengths of Robin is his sniping gameplay. Robin has great stealth PvE mechanics, taking out guards in awkward spots easily with his ranged headshots. In addition, he can become great at pressuring enemy players at a distance who want to gap close. Those who manage to position well in the higher ground can find themselves scoring some incredible kills.

Some of the best situational uses of Robin operates in the mid and end game PvP moments. Many areas on ll maps can find themselves in open areas, with a higher elevation around, These spots are great for Robin, who can use his AOE enchanted arrow ability to pop enemies attempting to winch or carry the treasure. Furthermore, it is easy to aim and snipe those winching the treasure witch charged shots too.

Although, Robin has some major weaknesses. The first one is player skill. Robin is at his best when a player can handle arrow drop off, charge speeds and travel distance. It does mean that Robin is for higher skill caps. The second one is his reliance on an ally covering and or getting good at dodging. A Robin can outplay nearby players through dodging, but eventually, it will likely result in his death. 

Luckily, there is a caveat to his close-range weaknesses. His flashbang grenade slot is a nice addition to his kit, buying him time to run away from those he flashes. From there, he can begin to charge his shots and finish the job on enemies.

Overall, Robin is another one of those picks that are worth picking up and playing. Although, we recommend only taking one Robin per team comp. He has many weaknesses that can result in awkward situations, especially if there is more than one Robin. Nevertheless, his strengths alone propel him to the second spot on our hood Outlaws and Legends Tier List.

The Blacksmith - John

The Blacksmith John Outlaw
John is an incredibly important part of any team comp. Image via Sumo Digital.


John is one of those classes that feel broken at first, especially to new players. But now the game has aged by a few days; John feels rather balanced. John is a character that doesn’t necessarily suit the early game, where his ranged counterparts above him do. 

John’s strengths instead come much more alive in the mid and late game, where he carries his allies through mission objectives. John is a melee character, which means he carries the treasure hoard faster than his Outlaw brethren. This is a nice perk, especially for coordinates teams. John can carry the treasure to the desired extraction point, more favourable to his default spawn, or several neutral spawns to contest. Furthermore, as a melee character, John can push the Winch faster, guaranteeing more gold at the end of the game.

As for his combat, it can be a bit mix and match. Against other melee characters, it is skill-based. A John v John match up relies on bating the first swing into a parry or block. The person who gets the parry or block wins the trade more often than not. If John can get a fully charged heavy attack off, chances are his opponent is dead. Also, John does work against lower-skilled players who cant position, dodge or block effectively. He is also a great counter against Robin when he finally gets up close and personal.

For John vs Marianne fights, it gets a bit tricky. Marianne counters John reasonably hard for the most part, but with mind games, John can win. Try baiting her our dodge out by getting as close as possible, forcing her to dodge out of instinct. Once she dodges, it is easy enough to hit with a light attack. Alternatively, you can use your ability to outlast her stamina bar. Eventually, you’ll get the kill as the cost of her to dodge will not be worth it as she cannot outlast his stamina less berserker rage.

On the last note, John shares a similar function with Robin. His grenade pack is incredibly powerful for fighting in tight areas, the treasure or at the winch. His grenade guarantees a one-shot to those who sit in its explosion radius at the time of detonation.

Overall, John feels like the third-best class on the Hood Outlaws and Legends Tier List. John is best played against less skilled opponents. For those who are more coordinated, John is absolutely a key part of a team comp. Positioning John on a Hood Outlaws and Tier List is tricky and solely depends on your perspective of the game. He is Tier 1 and a must pick for a coordinated premade or an average third best for the solo player.

The Mystic - Tooke

Hood Outlaws and Legends Tier List Mystic
The Mystic is a great pick for coordinated high skilled players. But hard to pull of elsewhere. Image via Sumo Digital.


While the Mystic is positioned fourth on the Hood Outlaws and Legends Tier List, don’t confuse this as he is the worst Class. The Mystic’s kit makes him a support class that works better in coordinated teams. The Mystic aims to use his ability to gain information and see where both enemy players and guards are. Furthermore, his grenades can be perked into providing heals, which is must pick for Tooke.

Due to the Mystic’s playstyle, premade coordinate groups will get the most value out fo him. The ability to gain on-demand information is amazing, especially for escorting the treasure to the desired extraction point. Furthermore, he can work out anime assault paths in more tight extraction areas or spots filled with long grass that players hide in for stealth. Lastly, using his ability in castles during vault room fights is incredibly useful.

As for his healing grenades, it comes in useful in these mid and late-game fights. One of the tactical elements of Hood is the increasing respawn times as the winch phase plays out. Allies who survive fights stay on low health. A Tooke healing grenade is incredibly valuable for keeping your team in a position where they can winch the treasure after fights. Even so, it means that your team can last another team fight, allowing your team to go longer in a game before reaching higher death timers.

If you need another Tooke strength, his heavy ability launches his flail forwards in a line. This is a nice ability for countering charging Johns or hitting those who dodge in a straight line. Finally, Tooke counters close range dodges with his conal light attack swings.

The weakness to Tooke is, by and large, his lack of coordination. Players who cant position well or use game knowledge effectively will likely struggle with his higher skill cap supportive utility. Also, since Tooke relies on his healing grenades to make his perk worthwhile, he needs map knowledge to path to the nearest gadget box. Some spawns on the map have refillable grenade boxes. Knowing where these are and the travel time needed to get there and back to his team is another factor to consider. Teams that extract further away from these gadget boxes reduce the value a Tooke can have.

Overall, for the smart players, the more experienced players, and the coordinated, Tooke is an amazing pick that provides so much to a team.  The obvious downside is that lacking any of the above makes Tooke feel a lot weaker than all other classes mentioned. For this reason, Tooke is the last class on the Hood Outlaws and Legends Tier List.


As you can gather from this tier list, every class has clear strengths and clear weaknesses. Furthermore, with each classes’ unique identity, they all have space to function in every game. Some are much easier to play than others, which affects the rankings, and some require team coordination to pull off. With that said, the difference between the best class in Hood and the worst really is not that far apart. Overall, if you’re looking at this Tier List trying to work out what to play, good or bad, then you’ll know a bit more about each class. Again, this Tier List is mainly about perspective on how to approach the game. We recommend grabbing a premade, playing as a team and using each classes strengths to their very best. When all factors work, they are all equally as good as each other.


We will update this Tier List when the fifth class drops in Season 1, as per the Hood roadmap.