TFT Tier List: Set 5 – Patch 11.13
After being playable on live servers for some time, here is a TFT Tier List for Set 5.
- By Talha Qureshi
- May 5, 2021

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Teamfight Tactics, League of Legend’s built-in auto chess title is one game that is always ever-changing. Players take control of different pieces based on LoL’s numerous champions, with each piece having different synergies with other champions, their own abilities, and class. These all combine to make very different comps, which continue to change every Set, aka Season. The current season is on Set 5, with the focus on the Shadow Isle storyline. If you want to know what Champions and Comps are dominant in this set, here is a TFT Tier List for the latest Set.
Before going forward, make sure you know what is going in Set 5, by looking at our rundown of the features within the current TFT Set.
Tier List Key
TFT Comp Tier List - Set 5
- 3 Forgotten
- 2 Legionnaires
- 2 Ironclad
- 2 Nightbringers
- 2 Dragonslayers
- 2 Mystic
- 2 Knights
- Draven
- Riven/Yasuo/Mordekaiser (preferable)
- Thresh
- Ryze
- Rell
- Nautilus
- Morgana
- Diana
S Tier
Forgotten Legionnaire
Comp outline:
It should already be quite obvious that Draven is one of the best units in the game and is probably the best 4-star carry unit you can use. With the Forgotten bonus and the correct itemization of Shadow Items, Draven shreds through his enemies with heavy auto-attack damage and sufficient amounts of healing. For this reason, he stands out as one of the pinnacle pieces of the comp, carrying it to the top of the TFT Tier List.
*Note* – remember that each Shadow item held by a Forgotten champion increases these bonuses by 10% on all Forgotten champions, stacking up to 4 times.
You can flex this build to use 3 or 6 Forgotten champions, but it is essential that you have at least one other Legionnaire on your board in order to proc its buff. Your final board should look similar to this:
- 5/7 Hellions
- 3 Ironclads
- 2 Cavaliers
- 2 Knights
- 2 Spellweavers
- Ziggs
- Kled
- Poppy
- Lulu
- Kennen
- Teemo
- Morgana/Zyra/Vel’Koz (Hellion Spatula)
- Rell
- Nautilus
- Jax
Comp outline:
Hellions have officially become the most annoying comp of Set 5 and have replaced Cultist abusers from Set 4 as a consistent and easy to achieve comp. Hellions give all Hellion units various amounts of attack speed depending on how many you have on the board, but you must make use of the Shadow Spatula in order to get 7 Hellions and proc the 125% bonus attack speed.
The comp also benefits from highrolling as many of the core units are 1 star, so it is easy to get your units to 3 stars, should you wish to invest the gold. Ziggs is the main carry of this comp and should be prioritized with items, but it may also be worth placing tankier items on your front line units such as Kled, Poppy and Rell.
Teemo is also a reliable carry but is not as easily available to get as he is a 5 star unit and you must wait until the late game to see him in your shop. With 5 star units, it is not always guaranteed to get them so it is not worth saving items for Teemo unless you are lucky to get him at level 7/8.
You can rotate between Ironclads and Knights for your frontline depending on whether or not you get a Shadow Spatula and Recurve Bow to forge a Hellion’s Emblem, but in general, you should add at least one other Spellweaver in your comp to maximize Ziggs’ damage output. We recommend using Morgana and Zyra for CC or Vel’Koz for pure damage.
Your final board should look something like this:
If you can achieve this, you’ll begin to see why we consider this an S Tier comp on the TFT Tier List.
- 6 Dawnbringers
- 2 Revenants
- 2 Brawlers
- 2 Invokers
- 2 Renewers
- 1 God King
- Karma
- Soraka
- Gragas
- Nidalee
- Garen
- Riven
- Ivern
- Volibear
Dawnbringer Karma
Comp outline:
Karma is another incredibly strong carry and 4 star unit who benefits from correct itemization and the Dawnbringer buff. Dawnbringers are easy to get at early levels, with Kha’Zix and Gragas being 1 star units so you should aim to build these champions first.
Soraka, Nidalee and Riven should all be added as you begin to level up and you may use Nidalee as an early carry with items before you find yourself a Karma. Soraka is also a good champion to use to hold Karma items until you land on one in the shop. Because of this, it makes it quite easy to flex into this comp, which adds yet another reason why this composition is strong in the TFT Tier List.
Scaling into the late game, you should aim to bring in Ivern, Volibear and Garen to complete this build and give you the best chances of winning matches. Garen and Volibear are excellent frontline units who are both 5 star and they provide a combination of heavy damage and CC.
Volibear and Ivern also come with the Revenant buff to give some units in your comp extra survivability and sustain through longer teamfights in the latter stages of the game. Your final board should look something like this:
- 3 Coven
- 3 Revenant
- 4 Assassins
- 2 Nightbringers
- 2 Renewers
- LeBlanc (Carry)
- Lissandra
- Morgana
- Nocturne
- Diana
- Viego
- Ivern
- Volibear
Coven Assassins
Comp outline:
Coven Assasins are one of the strongest comps to use right now. The Assassin composition’s central focus and main carry is none other than LeBlanc, who is quite possibly the best unit in Set 5. As a Coven/Assassin herself, LeBlanc benefits from the bonuses from the Assassins class and players should also ensure that she is the main target for the Coven bonus too.
It is essential that you build a Very Dark Blue Buff as the core Shadow Item on LeBlanc who will shoot her Ethereal Chains out like a machine gun when her health falls below 60%. Combine this with some Critical Damage and a Guardian Angel to give your comp an unstoppable carry who scales very well into the late game, especially if you manage to get her up to 3 stars. If you cannot do this, then this composition does fall off quite hard in the TFT Tier List, so make sure you can grab it!
You may use early game Assassins such as Kha’Zix and Katarina to begin with, but in the end your ideal comp should look something like this:
You may also want to look to place some items on Morgana, Volibear or Diana/Viego as these are strong units who will benefit the most from correct itemization. They also have game changing ultimates/abilities that can turn teamfights on their head.
- 6 Nightbringers
- 2 Rangers
- 2 Knights
- 1 God King
- Aphelios
- Diana
- Darius
- Morgana
- Lee Sin
- Sejuani
- Kindred
- Taric
Nightbringer Rangers
Comp outline:
This comp uses the Nightbringer bonus and Aphelios as its main carry, who makes a big return from the former part of Set 4 as one of the best carries to use right now. Aphelios is an excellent champion and benefits from the correct attack speed and damage items, such as Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Runaan’s Hurricane and Bloodthirster.
The Bloodthirster works especially well with the item active, which gives the holder a shield when they are low health, and the Nightbringer Bonus which also gives all Nightbringer champions a shield for 8 seconds when they drop below 50% health.
You can also swap Knights out of this comp for Dragonslayers, if you feel like that is more your style. But in general, your final board should look a little something like this:
- 3 Redeemed
- 2 Spellweavers
- 2 Knights
- 2 Ironclad
- 2 Invokers
- 2 Verdant
- Vel’Koz
- Rell
- Kayle
- Nautilus
- Karma
- Ivern
- Zyra
- Taric
Redeemed Spellweavers
Comp outline:
This is a very strong comp to use in the current meta but it is also a mid-late game focused comp as it uses any units who are only available to get in the latter stages of the game. With Vel’Koz and his laser beam of doom as your main carry, this comp has the potential to beat all if you have the right amount of frontliners to block enemy damage from getting to Vel’Koz, leaving him enough time to disintegrate enemies off the board.
The comp also benefits from many other strong units in the game and a plethora of classes to make a balanced comp that is hard to compete against if the correct items are used. Your board should look like this when it is complete:
- 6 Skirmishers
- 4 Dragonslayers
- 2 Assassin
- 2 Nightbringer
- Jax
- Lee Sin
- Pantheon
- Viego
- Trundle
- Nidalee
- Mordekaiser
- Diana
A Tier
Dragonslayer Skirmishers
Comp outline:
The main carry that you will want to itemize in this comp is Jax, who is a strong unit depending on which comps other players are using in the game. Building the correct items will give you the best output from Jax’s kit, therefore, look to build a Runaan’s Untamed Hurricane, Bloodthirster and Caustic Quicksilver.
With the Skirmisher bonus from 6 Skirmishers, which gives all Skirmishers a shield at the start of combat and attack damage that increases each second, this comp is viable to use but falls just short of our S tier category.
You will want your final board to look something like this in the end:
- 4 Nightbringers
- 4 Legionnaires
- 2 Knights
- 2 Verdant
- 2 Dragonslayers
- 1 God King
- Yasuo
- Morgana
- Diana
- Taric
- Mordekaiser
- Draven
- Darius
- Kayle
Nightbringer Legionnaires
Comp outline:
Another strong and viable comp to use this patch, Nightbringer Legionnaires centralizes its focus on a different Legionnaire as its main carry, Yasuo. Yasuo has been revamped from the previous Set and his ability makes him a stronger unit than we have seen before. Consequently, a Yasuo empowered with the Legionnaire Buff can once again tear through its opposition.
The best items to use on Yasuo would be things such as Runaan’s and Rapidfire Cannon for attack speed and Jeweled Gauntlet/Hand of Justice for critical strike/damage. Yasuo
Is a champion that can be built quite diversely which is why he is a suitable carry for this comp, as he also benefits from the Nightbringer bonus.
You will want to have your final board looking like this: